構造体定義書 C#



Little Endian

struct tavorprm_ntu_qpm_st




No. 名称 属性説明
tavorprm_ntu_qpm_st  Little Endian
  va_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Bits 63:32 of the virtual address to be used in IB request, Number of bits to be actually used depends on the page size (eg. wi
  wm[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t Amount of data to fill in to the read response buffer prior to delivering read response to uplink
  mtu[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t MTUI of the channel to be used by this page, value is 256*2MU bytes
  rd_len[0x00003] pseudo_bit_t Length of speculative prefetch for read, value is 16*2RD_Len bytes
  fence[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t  
  reserved0[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t  
  err_fence[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t 0,00 - No action in NTU - normal flow
  va_l[0x00014] pseudo_bit_t Bits 31:12 of the virtual address to be used in IB request, Number of bits to be actually used depends on the page size (eg. wi
  rkey[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t RKey to be places for RDMA IB requests message
  my_qpn[0x00018] pseudo_bit_t Local QO this page is mapped to
  s[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Force solicit event bit in the descriptor
  e[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Force E-bit in the descriptor
  s_r[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t S/R# - generate Send as a result of write hit to this page
  b[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Breakpoint - ptransfer control to firmware for every cycle that hits this page
  reserved1[0x00002] pseudo_bit_t  
  ce[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Cache Enable - entry can be cached if this bit is set.
  v[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Valid bit - the entry is valid only if this bit is set

See Also

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