構造体定義書 C#



Little Endian

struct hermonprm_hca_command_register_st




No. 名称 属性説明
hermonprm_hca_command_register_st  Little Endian
  in_param_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Input Parameter: parameter[63:32] or pointer[63:32] to input mailbox (see command description)
  in_param_l[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Input Parameter: parameter[31:0] or pointer[31:0] to input mailbox (see command description)
  input_modifier[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Input Parameter Modifier
  out_param_h[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Output Parameter: parameter[63:32] or pointer[63:32] to output mailbox (see command description)
  out_param_l[0x00020] pseudo_bit_t Output Parameter: parameter[31:0] or pointer[31:0] to output mailbox (see command description)
  reserved0[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t  
  token[0x00010] pseudo_bit_t Software assigned token to the command, to uniquely identify it. The token is returned to the software in the EQE reported.
  opcode[0x0000c] pseudo_bit_t Command opcode
  opcode_modifier[0x00004] pseudo_bit_t Opcode Modifier, see specific description for each command.
  reserved1[0x00005] pseudo_bit_t  
  t[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Toggle
  e[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Event Request
  go[0x00001] pseudo_bit_t Go (0=Software ownership for the HCR, 1=Hardware ownership for the HCR)
  status[0x00008] pseudo_bit_t Command execution status report. Valid only if command interface in under SW ownership (Go bit is cleared)

See Also

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